Web Development And Design
Html, CSS, Javascript, ReactJs, AngularJs, NodeJs, PHP.
Software Development
Java, Python, C, C++, C#
Cloud Technologies
SQL, AWS, Azure
Farmers Portal
I have done this project during my academic years, with my classmates.
My part in this project was to create a frontend of project using Html, Css, Javascript.
Basic Banking Website
Github Link
I have done this project during my internship period at TheSparksFoundation.
My part in this project was to create a frontend of project using Html, Css, Javascript.
Pizza Delivery Website
I have done this project during my internship period at Oasis Infobyte.
My part in this project was to create a frontend of project using Html, Css, Javascript.
Got 1st prize in project expo conducted in my college it is based on Artificial Intelligence.
Got 3rd prize in Datathon conducted in my college which is based on SQL databases.
Got 4th rank in Hackathon conducted by Code For India Foundation.
Partcipated in Amazon web services virtual conferences.